Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ah, it's been a week.

Well, I've officially made it through my first week of work. I spent the first four days almost constantly online doing training and learning very interesting stuff about power. Thankfully the last couple of days I have been doing my actual work - I mean the stuff they are paying me to do. It is SO fun!!! I am learning so much, and feel really good about the work I am able to do. I guess in those five months that I sat at home I forgot that I am pretty knowledgable about some things. I have been so exhausted when I get home though - I had gotten really used to those afternoon naps. :)

My new visiting teachers came to meet me today. I'm always so unsure about what I should say/do around new people, especially Mormons. I have a very good understanding of the LDS religion - I should, I spent 23 years as a very devout member. When I was a young teenager I went to church every Sunday by myself - my parents/family were going through a period of inactivity, but I knew that I should be at church and not out to eat or at a movie with them. I lived the high standards of the church - very strictly. I was considered a "Molly Mormon" which in Mormon terms is one of the people who seem to do everything right. I even went through the Temple when I was 21. So, it is awkward when members of the church ask why I am not active now. It is so confusing to know what I should and shouldn't say. I don't want to affect their beliefs or freak them out, but the truth is the truth, right? Thankfully I didn't get this question from the new visiting teachers, just a short message about marriage.

That's all for today. :)

1 comment:

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Sweetie, there are some things that are just between you & God and whomever YOU choose to tell. You have every right to only let others know whay you want them to. So let them ask -and YOU decide what to share or not.
Love you even if you're name isn't
'Molly" !